Sunday 4 January 2015

30 before 30

I feel like when it comes to New Year’s resolutions, there are two types of people. Those that love them and those that hate them. I (Zack) definitely fall into the former category. Over the past few years I have enjoyed looking at my previous year’s goals to help create new goals. This year I was away from my laptop which I had them saved on so I was unable to do this tradition. By the time by birthday rolled around (only 1 day later on January 2nd) I had still not thought of any resolutions. Over a pint of good English Stout, Sarah pointed out how I was now closer to 30 then 20.  This was a scary thought!  There are so many things I want to do and accomplish while I'm still young, hip and 20-something (because obviously there will be so many more "adult responsibilities" thrown my way when I turn 30, right?).  I better start living it up.  With that I decided to combine my new year’s resolutions and birthday goals and make a 30 before 30 list.  This list would be things I want to accomplish before I turn 30. They would be things that would enrich my life and bring happiness to those around me.  Sarah and I spent some time dreaming and chatting, and this is what we came up with:

1.    Visit 30 countries (I am half way there)
2.    Live somewhere outside of our comfort zone
3.    Go heli-skiing (for Sarah's safety, she'll stay home for this one)
4.    Do a yoga retreat
5.    Eat street food in Thailand
6.    Volunteer at a WOOFING farm
7.    Kill, cook, and eat an animal humanely (I have not been a strict vegetarian for the past year)
8.    Do a multi-day cycling trip
9.    Drive a motorcycle
10. Road trip to California
11. Live out of a van
12. Get a fish pedicure
13. Visit four continents
14. Complete 10 consecutive pistol squats per leg
15. Grow our own vegetables
16. Befriend someone at least 40 years older than me
17. Donate to 10 different charities
18. Ride an elephant
19. Go on a food truck adventure in the southern states
20. Mountain bike in Utah
21. Create 10 new recipes and record them
22. Send two hand written letters to loved ones (Not each other)
23. Take a pottery class (Sarah)
24. Hike the entire Bruce Trail
25. See the sunrise from a mountain peak
26. Go on a canoe trip together
27. Go to a professional football game/match
28. Rent a car and drive the Golden Circle in Iceland
29. Give away belongings I don’t need every 6 months
30. Smile daily

So, there it is.  I'm excited to see how many we'll accomplish (we better get going because we really don't have that long!).  We hope this list can be an inspiration for you and your own goal-making.

Happy 2015 to all :)


  1. Have you guys visited South America yet? Come visit us in Brazil! :) Great list! Have you WOOFED yet? My husband and I did it the summer after we got married on Vancouver Island and it was a great experience.

    1. No, we haven't! We would LOVE to get there some day... that's definitely a part of the world we have yet to discover. And no WOOFING yet either! That's so cool that you guys did it on Vancouver Island! It's so beautiful there!! What did you end up doing?
      Also, Zack wrote an update on the 30 before 30 list :

  2. We worked on an organic hobby farm on Vancouver Island - the family we stayed with was so awesome, we loved our month there. They grew a lot of blueberries, kale, basil, and other fruit/veggies/herbs. They also had goats and chickens. I would love to go back there or to WOOF again with our kids when they are a bit older. :)
